Tuesday, 16 December 2014

That Scary Moment when.............

Do you ever wonder what the Bible meant when it sais "Spare the rod and spoil the child"?
Did it mean we should fashion rods or sticks(canes) to hit our children anytime they make a mistake, a wrong choice or do anything bad?

On my way home from work last night, a car pulled up beside me. It became scary since the whole place was dark however, I felt comforted when I heard the voices of children in the back seat.
Immediately the car pulled to a stop, the lady in the front seat whom I assumed was the mother, wasted no time in beating one of the children seated at the back so harshly............. the neighborhood was very quiet might I say hence this little child's screams were so piercing it would make your heart sink.
Why would a mother labor for 9 months go through pain to have a child then beat that infant with an object be it a hand or a cane when he went wrong. Do we stop to think what runs through the child's mind? Most people don't but I do!
We should all stop and think of the scars we leave on these little ones. These precious ones we are doing our best to bring up in the right way.
I wouldn't say I went through my childhood without a stroke of a rod. Copral punishment after all was thought the best way to correct a child in schools where I grew up. You should know that did only made me dislike the teacher who handed out the punishment more. I might be able to remember most teachers who did cain me unfairly although I recently met one who swore he did it with love to correct me.
What do we think of when we meet children with these scars both physical and emotional. To say the least  getting through it is very difficult.
Most days I do have these kids tell me what happens when they make a mistake or take a step too close to the line.
My heart breaks each day I see that little girl with a scar on her beautiful skin.
I dare not ask her parents she tells me because that will make things worse for her. I love to see the beautiful smile spread across her face, see her eager to learn a new word, taste a new pastry I just baked or just talk gibberish and it will not matter at all. For just a moment this precious moment I am thankful...... she is HAPPY.

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